Friday, July 22, 2016

Magic Collector Review


The Magic Collector reminds me of those trash claws you see. There are some good things and somethings I would like improved. The Magic Collector main function is to help eliminate the problem or having to feel the texture of your dog’s waste when you are picking up after them. Some people feel really icky when picking up dog waste with plastic or paper products because you can see feel the texture of the waste. The Magic Collector eliminates that problem. It is made from cardboard and it opens up into a clamp or claw shape. This allows you to scoop up the waste and you do not feel the texture of the waste.

It is really flat when you first take it out and it opens up wide.

It takes the claw shape easily and clamps closed with finger power.

Keep the box closed until disposal.

This works great in grass but I did not have such luck on pavement or concrete with fresh waste. It made more of a mess in my opinion on those surfaces because there was not getting under the waste and depended on the size of the pile. I have small to medium dogs and sometime waste piles just fit in the box well.

It does work to help keep you from feeling the texture but you still have the problem or smell and if you are not near a trash receptacle, you have to hold the box clamped shut until you get near one. I also do not like that when you toss the box in the trash it does not stay closed. This could make for a mess in the bin. Now you can simply place the used box with waste in a plastic dog waste bag but this seems redundant to me. I would not want to have to buy the magic collector and plastic bags also.

This is a good product for people who really do not like to feel the texture of dog waste in their hands. It does work well for policing the grassy areas your dog goes on. #dogwastebags

Get yours today here on Amazon.

Disclaimer – I received this product at no cost in exchange for my honest opinion and review. No compensation was received for this review.